Ankur kumar

No industry today has remained untouched by the blockchain technology. From small businesses to giant multinationals, blockchain has disrupted every industry. With the success that blockchain and cryptocurrencies have witnessed in recent times, they are all set to impact the stock market too. Trends suggest that cryptocurrencies can transform the stock market. While this sounds somewhat ambitious, it could become a reality in the near future. Let’s see how.

Challenging the Dollar Standard

Until now, the US Dollar had the status of the reserve currency of the global economy. However, the rise of cryptocurrencies might change that. The rapid pace of decentralization of financial transactions with the evolution of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies has led to serious doubts about whether USD can retain its position in the global economy. If not, cryptocurrencies would take over and change the dynamics of international trade. Various pieces of crypto news suggest that the rise of cryptocurrencies could mark the last nail in USD’s coffin.

Stock Investment and Crypto-trading

Dealing in the crypto market helps people attain the same objectives as trading in the conventional stock market does for others. The three main reasons why people invest in the stock market are motivation, ownership, and profit. The cryptocurrency market has proved that it is fully capable of delivering the same.

Crypto-trading is another way how cryptocurrencies can transform the stock market. While it is incredibly tedious to invest in stocks outside one’s home country, crypto-trading does offer an alternative to global investors. That is why initial coin offerings have seamlessly replaced initial public offerings. Investing in ICOs and raising funds through it have become so effortless that most project owners and investors might prefer ICOs over other traditional methods. Thus, the future of ICO looks bright.


The way cryptocurrencies have begun assuming a more significant position across industries amply suggests that they are going to dominate the future of the financial sector. The world will identify cryptocurrencies as an alternative or primary way of investment. Going beyond small disruptions, cryptocurrencies can transform the stock market like never seen before.