How Technology Can be of Help in Foster Care Centers

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Technology can be of great help in connecting the masses with the world around. Foster care centers are resorting to technology as well.

Being an educationist, I get to visit an ample amount of foster care centers and schools. These institutions employ the services of ISPs with promotions like Spectrum Packages or the like to make Internet access easy for the students and kids. Here is how technology is helping the kids in foster care centers:

Easy Accessibility

It is a pity that almost 42% of the kids who end up in foster care, do not join a school immediately. This is because there are missing records accompanied by a gap in school attendance. And as the system of the school’s states, they cannot enroll a kid unless all the due paperwork gets submitted. Apart from that, there are also delays when it comes to transferring health-related records and other documents. Among the common reasons that contribute to foster children, missing school includes:

  • Biological family’s eviction
  • Moving from one home to a new one
  • No clean clothes to wear
  • Parental substance abuse
  • Becoming homeless

Whatever the case may be, the availability of technology makes accessibility of information easy for foster kids. They can choose to surf the web and educate themselves regarding anything they want. Because why should the kids suffer for the period that they do not get to go to school.

Not only this, but teachers can also send assignments to the kids online. This helps ensure that kids keep polishing their skills and do not forget what they learned in school. It makes it easy for the teachers to keep a track of the kid’s progress as well.


Technology is also aiding foster kids to indulge in research. Having access to the Internet enables these kids to search and learn about any topic that they wish to. Upon finding relevant information, it is at the kids’ discretion whether they want to keep it to themselves or share it with others.

Not only do kids get access to articles online, but they can also get encyclopedias, journals and an ample amount of books. This makes learning more fun and interesting. Moreover, the kids will not have to search for libraries to satisfy their appetite to learn. Everything will be available to them in their foster care center.


Technology can also help assist the not so privileged foster kids. Assistance over here refers to activities like reading the book aloud to a kid via a software. Because the foster kids spend much of their time away from school, inventions like these can be of great help to the kids.

It can help foster kids gain confidence in themselves. They can make up for the lack of reading and writing through such platforms.

Start a Blog

Foster kids often come from very depressed backgrounds. Under such circumstances, technology can help them to divert their mind. They can use the platform to start their blog. This will allow the kids to express themselves while also using their blog to connect to people.

This activity can prove to be fruitful as people suffering from the same issue can connect and maybe start their club. The options are unlimited. Like the blog can also be a platform that motivates other foster kids and tells them that they are not alone. Foster kids can use their blog to let their anger, disappointment, and frustration out through their writing.

Online Webinars and Training

This use of technology helps foster kids indirectly. The training and webinars are meant for the teachers at foster homes or the parents who are about to adopt a foster kid. If the teachers and parents-to-be take these training, they will be able to handle the foster kids better.

They will also be able to connect to the foster kids on a better level as the training will teach them a lot.

Use of Apps

To help create awareness among foster kids, teachers and parents alike, many apps are now out. For example, Focus on Foster Families. Such apps help to provide relevant information to the concerned party regarding foster life. These apps also include interviews that can be of great help to learn from people’s experiences.

Not only this, but you can also get access to legal, child welfare and education advice when it comes to resolving an issue. Availability of such apps is a blessing in disguise.

As I mentioned earlier that I am an educationist. Part of my job is making learning easy for kids. I take online classes where I teach foster kids regarding the concepts they need to understand with. I rely on Spectrum Internet Speed to help me through this. You can make your choice of the Internet in case you are willing to volunteer and help the foster kids.

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